Game made during Pirate Software Game Jam in July 2024. Didnt quite finish it so some problems like lag will occur in the prototype

Survive the shadows and throw potions. That is the gist of the game. Shadows weaken you and give you debuffs, light does the opposite. Mix ingredients (/upgrades) into your potions to more effectively fight the monsters.


  • movement: wasd
  • healing/buff potion: e/button on bottom right
  • restart game: k

improvements planned for later versions:

  • game-performance issues, e.g. in generating new terrain and processing many enemies
  • all around experience, sound, graphics, animations etc. there were neither the time nor the skills for this in the prototype
  • more diverse enemies, some ranged ones etc.
  • more ingredients, also more synergies between different  ingredients
  • stats/infos, more inside to what a specific ingredient does and so on
  • shop, collect coins and buy the ingredients you want

Design Document:

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